Training and Development

Training Capability

Our trainers are suitably qualified to deliver a high standard of training and have been certified, either through an industrial trainer program or though relevant degrees and NVQs. Wherever possible we incorporate dynamic learning activities into the training sessions, whether that is innovative hands-on practical exercises or interactive discussion and feedback sessions. We provide all supporting materials and presentation materials.

Our preference is to present either at your facility or at a suitable venue nearby.  This means that we travel to you and your employees are not wasting time on travel or overnight accommodation.

We have some standard training products and these are outlined below and through the relevant links but our philosophy is to adapt training to suit your needs. All our trainers have been trained in Systematic Approach to training, including training design and we will be happy to work with you to understand your needs and adapt the training to suit


Training Topics

The training is divided into a number of areas although there is some overlap between areas.  If you cannot find what you want then please do not hesitate to contact us as we are continually developing new training and have links to various experts to support us in that. The primary areas are listed below with links to the relevant pages by clicking on the red headings:

  • Nuclear Fundamentals:    This covers the science and technology behind nuclear and also the practical aspects of manufacturing for a nuclear contract, such as material cleanliness, document traceability, nuclear safety cases, nuclear terminology and other inherent expected knowledge within the industry


  • Behaviours:   This covers both nuclear specific behaviours such as Human Performance and also generic behaviours such as Change Management, Coaching and Problem Solving


  • Leadership:  Our leadership development programs are at the cutting edge of modern thinking and will help develop your supervisors, mangers and leaders to meet the rapidly changing needs of modern manufacturing and modern workforce.


  •  Continuous Improvement:   We have many years of experience in training companies in how to implement Lean Manufacturing for themselves. We are also trained in Six-Sigma and able to pass on some of those skills where required. Additionally we have courses in Process Excellence, Practical Problem Solving and Policy Deployment.